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Product Lifecycle Management
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AI Powered Supply Chain
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Product Lifecycle Management
Enterprise Resource Management
AI Powered Supply Chain
Supplier Portal & SRM
Global Sourcing Network
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Suuchi Inc. has been acquired by IgniteTech
Click here for the press release
Supplier Portal And Supplier Relationship Management
Easy to use workspace for suppliers and customers. A powerful dashboard for you to measure their performance.
Democratize access for important participants outside your company.
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A portal that suppliers actually want to use.
Flexibility for logins, email integrations or notifications so engagement is maximized.
Experience and training documents and videos for suppliers in every part of the world
Platform translated and available in every language to increase supplier adoption
A customer management portal that provides visibility and increases your revenue
Provide customers with visibility across the design, production and logistics project
Communicate, collaborate and proactively trigger exceptions to customers along the production lifecycle
Bid for contracts successfully based on historic data on preferred prices and products
Analyze customers by margins and revenue
Track and manage supplier performance
Score suppliers against qualitative variables like strength of relationship, reliability, and compliance.
Use transaction data to build a quantitative supplier performance record across costs, margins, lead times and quality.
Map exceptions raised by time, type, and supplier
Eliminate poor suppliers while mapping best performing products to best performing supplier
Democratize access without compromising on privacy and data protection
Manage profile permissions easily to protect and guardrail data meant only for internal use
Activate and deactivate customer and supplier profiles while maintaining access to data records
Enable approvals and rejections and digital signatures on more critical tasks to ensure and manage supplier compliance