Suuchi Inc. has been acquired by IgniteTech​

Referral Partner Program

Become a Grid Referral Partner Today !

GRID Referral Partners connect companies ready to digitize their supply chains to the GRID’s next-gen supply chain platform.

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Benefits to Partners

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Partner with a fast-growing innovator in the rapidly growing supply chain technology market.

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“Bundle” Referral Partners’ specialized services around the GRID.

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Exclusive access to information on the GRID’S products, benefits, and new product releases.

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Co-branded marketing materials, white papers, and webinars

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No cost or ongoing membership requirement in the GRID Referral Partner Program. 

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Suuchi Inc bears the cost of selling, closing, implementing, and servicing the companies referred.

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Benefits to Customers

Companies introduced to the GRID benefit from a substantially lower total cost of ownership (TCO) than they would experience with traditional software. The GRID provides a fully configurable platform functioning as customers’ ERP and PLM, or unifying data across existing ERP, PLM, and WMS systems.

Learn More

Learn more about the benefits of membership in the GRID’s Referral Partner Program for:

*Please see Terms and Conditions for complete information.