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Network of Executive Women – Sarah Alter | Suuchi Podcast #42

On today’s episode, we interview Sarah Alter, the President and CEO of The Network of Executive Women (NEW), an organization with 13,000+ members and 900+ corporate partners. NEW offers leadership development and networking opportunities for its members and diversity and inclusion strategies for businesses and corporations.

Today we talk about mission, pivot points (life changing moments), finding your why, advice to brand owners, what life is like as a CEO of a large organization, building the right culture, and more!

Pay attention to Sarah’s story that led her to uncovering her “why”, which occurred after leading her team to reach a revenue goal of over $100 Billion. What she thought would be a huge win for her career, resulted in a major pivot point that led her to uncover her passion of helping women advance in their professional lives and ultimately provided her the opportunity to be the CEO of Network of Executive Women.

For those of you that are in the early stages of your brand and want to get advice from someone with a tremendous amount of experience in business, leadership, and marketing, this episode is just right for you! If you’re a professional in the corporate world and you’re wanting to further advance in your career, give this episode a listen as well! Sarah and NEW have a lot to offer to people like yourself!


Hope you enjoy today’s episode and no matter what someone else tells you, believe in yourself and follow your passions. It probably won’t be easy to get to where you want to, but keep your head up, get back up when you fail, and I promise you that eventually you will be doing what you love.


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